Hamburger for Menu

Hello there, it's me.

Otmane Echchafyky.

I am

The first chance is where dreams meet opportunities. Be the one who opens the door for someone's aspirations.


02.About me

const name = 'Otmane Echchafyky';
const email ='';
let ageInSeconds = 788400000;
/* I am passionate about problem solving and Front End web developement.
I don't Like Coffee :( */


/* Firstly, it is not about degrees.
It is about your skills, your creativity and yourself :) */

this.highSchool = true;
this.bachelor = true;
this.onload = 'Microverse';

let responsiveWebDesign = 'Check certificate';
let dataStructures = 'Check certificate';
let javascriptAndAPIs = 'Check certificate';
let ReactAndRedux = 'Check certificate';
let Ruby = 'Check certificate';
let RubyOnRails = 'Check certificate';
let FullStackDev = 'Check certificate';
// I am so hungry for more and more :) ..

/* Every day that goes by without learning a new skill, new friend or new information is a meaningless day ;) */
let FrontEnd = ['HTML5', 'CSS3', 'JavaScript', 'jQuery', 'React', 'Redux',];
let BackEnd = ['Ruby', 'Ruby On Rails', 'MySQL', 'PostgreSQL' ];

let ToolsAndMethods = ['Git', 'GitHub', 'UML', 'Rspec', 'Jest', 'Tailwind', 'Bootstrap', 'Webpack', 'Chrome Dev Tools', 'React Dev tools' ];

let Professional = ['Agile methodologies', 'Kanban', 'Unit testing', 'Pair-Programming', 'Teamwork', 'Mentoring', 'Good communication', 'Remote collaboration', 'Problem-solving and critical thinking' ];

03. My Work



Doctorino is a comprehensive web application that, upon login, allows users to search for a veterinarian for their pets or farm animals. Additionally, users can schedule appointments and monitor the health progress of their animals.

  • Ruby On Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • React
  • Tailwind
Bookstore screenshot


A React app is a web application that allows users to browse, search, and Add books online. It provides a user-friendly interface where users can explore a wide range of books, view book details, add books to their cart, and complete the checkout process.

  • Redux
  • React
  • CSS
  • HTML
API screenshot


A Web page where you can check your favorite Pokemons, you can Look, Like and add comments to Pokemons.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • API
TODOS screenshot


An immersive React-based web app for exploring and discovering a wide range of anime, offering a seamless user experience with comprehensive information and Check details functionality.

  • Tailwind
  • Redux
  • React
Family Triage screenshot

Family Triage

A Responsive web app where you can answer some legal questions to get a legal consultation based on your answers.

  • TypeScript
  • Next js
  • Chakra UI
  • Zustand

04.Contact me!

I'm always interested in hearing about new projects, Job offers or any suggestions. so if you'd like to chat please get in.